Baduino is an Eclipse Plugin for visualization of coverage of criterion of tests based on intra-procedural Data-Flow, i.e., show the Definition-Use Associations coverage of each project method.
Definition-Use Assiciation (DUA) define a relation between a variable definition and your subsequent use.
The Coverage analysis of criterions based on Data-Flow are very costly, in parts by the high cost of tracking DUAs at runtime. Therefore, are hardly used in practice.
To turn the analysis of the coverage of criterions based on Data-Flow scalable to real programs, Baduino use the calculation strategy of Data-Flow coverage called Bitwise-Algorithm.
The coverage is generated executing tests with a JUnit Runner. This Runner run tests with BA-DUA tool as agent. AThe BA-DUA (Bitwise Algorithm-powered Definition-Use Association) its the tool that implement the DUAs coverage calculation.
The result of the coverage is shown in Eclipse by Baduino.